
"i Can't Drive... Fifty-five!" Or... Don't Buy A Computer With Vista

As Sammy Hagar said in one of his songs, "I can't drive... Fifty-Five!"

So... Would You Buy a Car That Will Only Go 55 Miles an Hour?

The other day I bought some software that lets you mix some wav files together along with your voice and create a new recording. Problem is, my new computer will not record the output. It's a Dell, but before you start dissing the brand, know it is a problem with HP, SONY, Gateway, fill in the brand name here. As long as the computer is running MICROSOFT VISTA, you WILL have problems.

I have literally spent many hours trying to find a solution to this, and after downloading and rebooting my computer countless times, I am still not one inch closer to being able to record the output of my sound card. Which is something easily done in all the Windows products before it.

Like many before me, I bought my computer last year to replace my aging desktop. I decided a nice laptop (notebook) would be a nice way to go, so I could move around with it. My philosophy is to buy the biggest, baddest one can afford and your computer dollars will go farther. So I bought a big, bad and expensive laptop. Along with Vista Ultimate. Of course, I didn't have a choice to put XP on it, but that wasn't really a consideration. The way manufactures work is that they almost force their latest product on you, whether you want them or not. And since I work in the computer industry, I understand trying to keep current.

My Bad.

In layman's terms, Microsoft Vista is like buying a car where the manufacturer has "decided" for you, that you do not need to drive your new car over 55 miles per hour (88.5 KPH) for any reason. Further more, you should not be able to even look under the hood of the car you just spent major money to purchase.

Well, "I'm Mad As Hell, And I'm NOT Going To Take It Any More..."

I guess someone already beat me to that line, but maybe that's what a lot of consumers should consider before buying a new computer. If you are wanting to buy a Dell, then you can still get XP loaded on many of the "business" class computers, either Desktop or laptop (notebook)

XP Pro was a real nice OS that some came to love/hate with a passion, but at least you could get it to work. And, you could do so without some manufacturer hiding and imposing roadblocks in every path along your way. Looks like a GREAT problem looking for a Class-Action law suit, if you ask me? But, Microsoft is used to that kind of stuff, huh?

But Hey... Something needs to be done. Microsoft along with many other software vendors seem to think THEY know what's right for all the rest of us. And That just AIN'T right.

Apple and Linux are real contenders now days, but we all know the mainstream will still stay with Google, er... I mean Microsoft. oops... hehe

You got to do what you got to do. I would just say, that you should consider staying with XP if you are looking to buy a new PC computer. At least for now.

Well, lets see what Windows 7 has to offer...
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